Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pandora's Promise review

Hello all to the beginning of my blog for class. Let the fun begin!

1. The scene that stood out to me most was when the film was comparing the energy output of Uranium v.s Oil. If someone is able to use all of the energy in 1 lb of Uranium, it would equal 5 000 barrels of Oil. I am assuming that the film means the 100 gallon barrel that oil is normally measured in. This means that using all of the the entire Lb of Uranium would save 500 000 gallons of crude oil. That is absolutely outstanding. However, there is a flaw in their argument. There is two ways that they could mean by all of the energy that can be extracted from 1 lb of Uranium. There is the total atomic energy, which you get from doing a whole bunch of science, that mostly revolves around E=MC2. That means that every single atom will be completely destroyed and turned into pure energy. Which is a mind blowing amount of energy. It would be some very tricky statistics play on the part of the film. I would hope that the film actually meant the amount of useful energy that can be harvested from a lb. of Uranium in a reactor.

2. The thing that I was most surprised in this film was when the activists actually switched their views and said that if they are against the nuclear energy companies, you are only helping the fossil fuel companies. I found this very interesting and I completely agree with it after I heard it.

3. After watching this whole film, the only question I truly have is, which is the same for all changes in policy and the norm, how do we implement all of these great changes and policies into the united states. There is obvious enemies made from the oil companies and Saudi Arabian government is will most likely not be happy with the loss of one of their biggest buyers of oil.

4. Like I said in number 3, the issue is how do we make the changes. It is all good and fun to sit around and talk about it and think of all of the good it will do for the world, however, someone actually has to pull the trigger and open the pocket book and put a shovel into the ground to make real changes.
Another issue and concept I was thinking about while watching this film is how do we get all of the anti nuclear power people onto the side of pro nuclear power? I don't know any way to change people's minds except to educate them.
One more issue brings us back to the same concept as answer number 3, which is where will we (the United States) get all of this money to completely overhaul the energy grid. We sure as all heck will not be getting a single dime from the oil/ coal companies.
Along with the policy issues that surround the issue is that of the security issues that are surrounded by the thought of nuclear energy for the entire world. Granted most 1st world countries don't want to end the world in a nuclear winter, I feel that there are plenty of governments or groups that they call themselves governments that would love to see the entire world a barren radioactive wasteland.

Thank you all,

Feel free to comment anything at all, I will not be offended if you do not agree with me. I look forward to the conversation and the in depth and intelligent conversations we will have.