Friday, February 24, 2017


Hello to all handful of people that actually read this blog.

With yesterday being 2/23, I think it is a good time to talk about firearms. This will NOT be a rant on my views of firearms and the massive amount of politics surrounding them. It will however be a educational post on some of the misconceptions of the rifle and what it can and can not do. As all of my 6+ readers are intelligent, I am sure you can interpret my views without me explicitly saying them. Let the fun begin!!!

 As some of you may know, .223 Caliber is the standard caliber for the 'super scary, PTSD inducing, pure evil' AR-15. Granted there are many other pistols and rifles that use this caliber, the AR is the most commonly known type of rifle to use it. AR has been said to stand for a wide variety of things, most commonly standing for Assault Rifle. Which it does not. The A in AR is simply an abbreviation for the company that invented the rifle, ArmaLite, with the R in AR standing for rifle. Pretty simple right?!?!

Going back to the caliber of the rifle. I want to give a little information on what Caliber actually means. There are two ways to measure the size of a bullet. Caliber and Millimeters. They measure the diameter of the round that is being fired, measuring the largest part of the bullet, also known as the part that touches the barrel. Millimeters is the same as it would be for normal measurements. Caliber is essentially the empirical version of that, with Inches being roughly equivalent in diameter. There are also a wide variety of different types of rounds that are the same size. There are Full Metal Jacket (FMJ for short) that has the lead bullet coated in a copper shell only leaving the rear of the bullet exposed. There are also Total Metal Jackets(TMJ) that are completely coated in copper. Next, there are Hollow Points, which have a open cavity in the noise of the bullet so that when it hits a target harder than paper (usually people) it slows down, and mushrooms out, thus making the hole much larger, while also reducing the risk of the round penetration through the target and potentially hitting another unintended target. Now come the more interesting and 'fun' bullets. There are a wide variety of different types of bullets that do a wide variety of things. There are armor piercing, armor penetrating, tracer rounds(which glow when you shot them because the tip of the bullet is on fire), Incendiary rounds, and a wide variety of other rounds. All of which have their special use, but are far to expensive for my budget. All of these 'specialty' rounds have a color coated tip that helps people know what round they are buying and shooting.

This leads me into how the rounds are held and put into an AR( or really, any modern firearm with revolvers being the exception). Magazine v.s. Clips. I can probably write a 5 page paper on the difference between the two. I wouldn't be having to pay for college out of pocket if I had a dollar i heard or read someone improperly call a clip a magazine or visa versa. Bellow I have put in a link to a video that will help illustrate the difference between the two. Either way, the thing that hold the bullets and is put into the AR is called a MAGAZINE.

With that, I will leave you to ponder your own life choices and to go out and be helpful part of society.

And as always

Stay Vigilant, Stay awake. 

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